The Visitor
The Visitor | Bruce LaBruce | GB 2024 | 101 Min
Metro Historisch

Bruce LaBruce, Queercore-Punk der ersten Stunde und längst von Kunst-Eliten umgarnter Edel-Provokateur, fügt seinem konstant zwischen Schund und High Art oszillierendem Werk mit The Visitor ein weiteres körpersaftiges Kapitel hinzu. In London werden Koffer angeschwemmt, aus denen dutzende identische Schwarze Männer steigen und bei wohlhabenden Briten um Herberge ansuchen. Einmal angekommen und aufgenommen, werden die bourgeoisen Söhne, Töchter, Mütter und Väter reihum penetriert, was zu Transformationen frei nach Pasolinis Teorema führt. Wer meint, SLASH zeige diesen Agitprop-Porno zufällig am Abend der Nationalratswahl, irrt. (mk)
Bruce LaBruce
is a queercore legend. Based in Toronto, the filmmaker, photographer, and artist has made more than a dozen transgressive and subversive films. His 2010 feature movie L.A. Zombie (SLASH 2010) was notoriously banned in Australia, and premiered later that year at the Locarno Film Festival. Other works include Otto, or Up with Dead People (2008), Pierrot Lunaire, which won the Teddy Award at the Berlinale in 2014, The Misandrists (SLASH ½ 2017), and The Affairs of Lidia (2022). He returned to the Berlinale in 2024, where he presented his update of Pasolini’s Teorema, The Visitor, in the Panorama section.
is a queercore legend. Based in Toronto, the filmmaker, photographer, and artist has made more than a dozen transgressive and subversive films. His 2010 feature movie L.A. Zombie (SLASH 2010) was notoriously banned in Australia, and premiered later that year at the Locarno Film Festival. Other works include Otto, or Up with Dead People (2008), Pierrot Lunaire, which won the Teddy Award at the Berlinale in 2014, The Misandrists (SLASH ½ 2017), and The Affairs of Lidia (2022). He returned to the Berlinale in 2024, where he presented his update of Pasolini’s Teorema, The Visitor, in the Panorama section.
Metro Historisch