The Primevals
The Primevals | David Allen | US 2023 | 91 Min

Schon Ende der 1960er träumte Special-Effects-Meister David Allen von einem Herzensprojekt, dessen Happy End er aber nicht erleben durfte: Als ein echter Yeti gefunden wird, suchen Forscher:innen in Nepal nach weiteren Exemplaren; was sie finden, ist der Eingang zu einer fremden und gefährlichen Welt. Die Mischung aus Abenteuerfilm und Sci-Fi versprüht den Charme einer untergegangenen Kinoära: 1994 gedreht und erst 2023 von Allens Protegé Chris Endicott fertiggestellt, steht der Film mit seinen ausgefeilten Stop-Motion-Tricks noch voll in der Tradition eines Als Dinosaurier die Erde beherrschten statt der von Jurassic Park. Ray Harryhausen would surely have approved! (tt)
David Allen
was a highly acclaimed specialist in the field of visual and special effects and stop motion animation. Starting out in the early 1970s with films like Equinox, When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth, and Flesh Gordon, his work can also be seen in movies like The Howling, Caveman, Willow, and the Puppet Master series. His first and only directorial feature was the sci-fi adventure The Primevals, which he shot in 1994 and worked on until his untimely death. It was finally completed in 2023 and premiered at Fantasia Film Festival, Montréal.
was a highly acclaimed specialist in the field of visual and special effects and stop motion animation. Starting out in the early 1970s with films like Equinox, When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth, and Flesh Gordon, his work can also be seen in movies like The Howling, Caveman, Willow, and the Puppet Master series. His first and only directorial feature was the sci-fi adventure The Primevals, which he shot in 1994 and worked on until his untimely death. It was finally completed in 2023 and premiered at Fantasia Film Festival, Montréal.