The Found Footage Phenomenon
The Found Footage Phenomenon | Sarah Appleton, Phillip Escott | GB 2021 | 102 Min
Metro Historisch

Ideales Substrat für alle, die in den Found-Footage-Horrorkosmos einsteigen wollen: In The Found Footage Phenomenon widerlegen Sarah Appleton und Phillip Escott die Vulgarisierung des Subgenres als Post-Blair-Witch-Project-Trendmarke und spannen kulturhistorisch einen breiten Bogen von den Briefromanen der Schauergotik hin zum „Analog Horror“, der sich über das Internet ausbreitet. Hervorragend recherchiert und bestückt mit dutzenden Interviews (u. a. mit Ruggero Deodato, Eduardo Sanchez und Oren Pali), sollten in diesem konzisen, dichten Themenpaket selbst Found-Footage-Horror-Ultras noch Neues und Frisches entdecken. (mk)
Sarah Appleton, Phillip Escott
are horror-genre experts. Philip is a documentary producer who has worked on films like Omega Rising: Remembering Joe D’Amato and Aenigma: Lucio Fulci and the 80s, while Sarah co-directed the documentary The J-Horror Virus (2023) with Jasper Sharp. After making The Found Footage Phenomenon together in 2021, Sarah and Phillip reunited to work on Generation Terror, which had its world premiere at this year’s FrightFest.
are horror-genre experts. Philip is a documentary producer who has worked on films like Omega Rising: Remembering Joe D’Amato and Aenigma: Lucio Fulci and the 80s, while Sarah co-directed the documentary The J-Horror Virus (2023) with Jasper Sharp. After making The Found Footage Phenomenon together in 2021, Sarah and Phillip reunited to work on Generation Terror, which had its world premiere at this year’s FrightFest.
Metro Historisch