Steppenwolf | Adilkhan Yerzhanov | KZ 2024 | 102 Min

Während die Hoffnung noch schwach in den Staub der kasachischen Steppe röchelt, weilt die Gnade in dieser westernartigen Revenge-Groteske längst bei den Würmern: Eine traumatisierte Mutter wandelt auf der Suche nach ihrem entführten Sohn durch eine bürgerkriegsähnliche Dystopie und findet (freilich nicht altruistisch motivierte) Unterstützung bei einem ruchlosen, zum Polizei-Folterknecht avancierten Ex-Häftling. Auf den Fersen der Kidnapper mordet sich dieser wahllos durch die Gegend und legt dazwischen auch mal ein Tänzchen hin. Adilkhan Yerzhanovs Steppenwolf ist brutal, unangenehm und dabei im Kern um einiges komplexer als das meiste, was Hollywood an Rache-Flicks zu bieten hat. (me)
Adilkhan Yerzhanov
is a Kazakh film director and screenwriter. He graduated in Film Directing from the Kazakh National Academy of Arts in 2009 and has since created an impressive body of work which has been shown and awarded at many festivals worldwide. Adilkhan is a two-time participant of the Cannes Film Festival: with The Owners (2014) premiered in the Official Selection (Special Screenings) and The Gentle Indifference of the World (2018) screened in the Un Certain Regard section. The bloody, vigorous and visually captivating Steppenwolf, his fifteenth film in twelve years, had its world premiere at the International Film Festival Rotterdam earlier this year.
is a Kazakh film director and screenwriter. He graduated in Film Directing from the Kazakh National Academy of Arts in 2009 and has since created an impressive body of work which has been shown and awarded at many festivals worldwide. Adilkhan is a two-time participant of the Cannes Film Festival: with The Owners (2014) premiered in the Official Selection (Special Screenings) and The Gentle Indifference of the World (2018) screened in the Un Certain Regard section. The bloody, vigorous and visually captivating Steppenwolf, his fifteenth film in twelve years, had its world premiere at the International Film Festival Rotterdam earlier this year.