Sew Torn
Sew Torn | Freddy Macdonald | US/CH 2024 | 95 Min

Wer immer noch glaubt, Nähen sei uncool, sollte schleunigst Bekanntschaft mit Barbara Duggen (Eve Connolly) machen. Deren Schneiderei in einem idyllischen Schweizer Bergdorf steht kurz vor der Insolvenz, doch als sie am Wegesrand zwei Verletzte, kiloweise Drogen und einen Koffer voller Geld erblickt, fasst sie kurzerhand einen Entschluss … oder sogar mehrere gleichzeitig? Der gerade mal 24-jährige Freddy Macdonald legt mit Sew Torn einen rasant-charmanten Debütfilm vor, der fulminant mit mehreren Realitätsebenen spielt, während die Art, wie seine Protagonistin Nadel und Faden einsetzt, zweifellos für offene Münder sorgen wird! (am)
Freddy Macdonald
is the youngest Directing Fellow ever accepted to the AFI Conservatory, in Los Angeles. Born in California and holding dual American and Swiss citizenships, his AFI thesis film Shedding Angels (2022) won a Student Academy Award. He also made several music videos for three-time Grammy winner Fantastic Negrito. Still aged just 24, the cinematic wunderkind presents his feature-length debut, Sew Torn, which revisits the theme of his 2019 AFI admission short of the same title and premiered at the 2024 SXSW.
is the youngest Directing Fellow ever accepted to the AFI Conservatory, in Los Angeles. Born in California and holding dual American and Swiss citizenships, his AFI thesis film Shedding Angels (2022) won a Student Academy Award. He also made several music videos for three-time Grammy winner Fantastic Negrito. Still aged just 24, the cinematic wunderkind presents his feature-length debut, Sew Torn, which revisits the theme of his 2019 AFI admission short of the same title and premiered at the 2024 SXSW.