Plastic Guns
Les pistolets en plastique | Jean-Christophe Meurisse | FR 2024 | 95 Min

Am Kopenhagener Flughafen wird ein Mann festgenommen, weil er seine Frau und drei Kinder umgebracht haben soll – nur weigert er sich zuzugeben, dass er der lange gesuchte Paul Bernardin ist. Hat die beste Spürnase Frankreichs etwa einen Fehler gemacht? Auf welchen Fährten stolpern die beiden Amateur-Investigativreporterinnen einer Lokalzeitung herum? Und ist Argentinien eigentlich ein Land, das ausliefert? Jede Menge WTF-Momente hält der neueste Streich von Jean-Christophe Meurisse parat, einer kurioser als der andere, genau wie seine Figuren, und ein paar irrwitzige Tanzeinlagen gibt’s obendrauf. Vamos a bailar! (tt)
Jean-Christophe Meurisse
trained as an actor, created the Chiens de Navarre company in 2005 and is a renowned theater director. Il est des nôtres, his first mid-length film, premiered in 2013. His three feature-length films have all been presented at the Cannes Film Festival. His debut Apnée premiered at the Critics’ Week in 2016, winning the Jury Prize for best director. His second feature, Bloody Oranges (SLASH 2021), was shown in the 2021 Midnight Screenings section, and his latest effort, Plastic Guns, premiered in the 2024 Directors’ Fortnight.
trained as an actor, created the Chiens de Navarre company in 2005 and is a renowned theater director. Il est des nôtres, his first mid-length film, premiered in 2013. His three feature-length films have all been presented at the Cannes Film Festival. His debut Apnée premiered at the Critics’ Week in 2016, winning the Jury Prize for best director. His second feature, Bloody Oranges (SLASH 2021), was shown in the 2021 Midnight Screenings section, and his latest effort, Plastic Guns, premiered in the 2024 Directors’ Fortnight.
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