Oddity | Damian McCarthy | IE 2024 | 98 Min

Dani möchte allein in dem alten Landhaus übernachten, das bald das neue Zuhause für sie und ihren Mann Ted werden soll. Dann klopft es an der Tür und kurz darauf ist sie tot. Ein Jahr später taucht Danis blinde, hellsichtige Schwester Darcy bei Ted und dessen neuer Partnerin in ebendiesem Haus auf – mit einem so ungewöhnlichen wie unheimlichen Mitbringsel. Damian McCarthy (Caveat, SLASH 2021) inszeniert nicht nur eine der beängstigendsten Anfangsszenen ever, sein hocheffektiver Folk-Mystery-Schocker wird seit dem Publikumspreis in der Midnighter-Schiene des texanischen SXSW-Festivals auch als einer der besten Horrorfilme des Jahres gehandelt. (me)
Damian McCarthy
is a graduate of St. John’s College in Cork, Ireland. Often combining horror and comedy, his short films have screened at many prestigious film festivals all over the world. Titles include He Dies at the End, Jeremy Dyson's Haunted Recordings, and How Olin Lost His Eye. His feature-length directing debut, Caveat (SLASH 2021) had its world premiere at SXSW in Austin, Texas, as did his second movie, the supernatural spectacle Oddity.
is a graduate of St. John’s College in Cork, Ireland. Often combining horror and comedy, his short films have screened at many prestigious film festivals all over the world. Titles include He Dies at the End, Jeremy Dyson's Haunted Recordings, and How Olin Lost His Eye. His feature-length directing debut, Caveat (SLASH 2021) had its world premiere at SXSW in Austin, Texas, as did his second movie, the supernatural spectacle Oddity.