Noroi: The Curse
Noroi | Kôji Shiraishi | JP 2005 | 115 Min
Metro Historisch

Photo credit: ©2005 EF/OZ/GENEON/XANADEUX/PPM
Ein Dokumentarfilmregisseur untersucht mehrere scheinbar unzusammenhängende paranormale Ereignisse und verschwindet spurlos. Zuvor stellt er allerdings noch Noroi fertig, in dem er selbst gedrehtes Material mit Ausschnitten aus Fernsehsendungen und sogar einem 16mm-Film zu einer atmosphärisch wuchtigen, unheimlichen und verstörenden Erzählung montiert hat. Kôji Shiraishis im Westen viel zu wenig bekanntes Mockumentary-Meisterstück ist eine dramaturgisch ambitionierte und herausragend inszenierte Schauermär, gewoben aus mehreren Handlungsfäden, die sich erst im finalen Akt zu einem großen Ganzen zusammenfügen. Ein Zentralmassiv des Found-Footage-Horrorkinos. (mk)
Kôji Shiraishi
was born and raised in Fukuoka, Japan. He started out in the film business as a crew member on films by directors like Sōgo Ishii, whose Crazy Thunder Road he once called his favorite film. After making a string of his own independent films in the late 1990s, he became involved in the production of horror movies at the start of the current century. Since then he has directed a whopping one hundred movies, videos, shorts, and music videos, including Sadako vs. Kayako (SLASH 2016), Funôhan and, most recently, House of Sayuri. Shiraishi-san has always had a penchant for fake documentaries, a genre to which he contributed with movies like Noroi: The Curse (2005), A Record of Sweet Murder and Aishiteru! (2022), among others. In 2016, he compiled his methods of mockumentary-making into the Textbook of Fake Documentaries.
was born and raised in Fukuoka, Japan. He started out in the film business as a crew member on films by directors like Sōgo Ishii, whose Crazy Thunder Road he once called his favorite film. After making a string of his own independent films in the late 1990s, he became involved in the production of horror movies at the start of the current century. Since then he has directed a whopping one hundred movies, videos, shorts, and music videos, including Sadako vs. Kayako (SLASH 2016), Funôhan and, most recently, House of Sayuri. Shiraishi-san has always had a penchant for fake documentaries, a genre to which he contributed with movies like Noroi: The Curse (2005), A Record of Sweet Murder and Aishiteru! (2022), among others. In 2016, he compiled his methods of mockumentary-making into the Textbook of Fake Documentaries.
Metro Historisch