Kryptic | Kourtney Roy | CA/GB 2024 | 96 Min

Kay heftet sich an die Fersen von Kryptozoologin Barb Valentine, die auf der Suche nach dem sagenumwobenen Sooka, einer Art kanadischem Bigfoot, verschollen ist. Auf ihrer außergewöhnlichen Reise quer durchs kanadische Hinterland folgt sie Hinweis um Hinweis und macht dabei Bekanntschaft mit diversen illustren Charakteren, die Regisseurin Kourtney Roy in ihrem ambitionierten Spielfilmdebüt nicht zuletzt zu einer Ode an Außenseiter und andere Verhaltenskreative verdichtet. Geprägt von einer zunehmend somnambulen Atmosphäre und durchsetzt mit surrealistischen Exzessen (Schleim! Tentakel!) führt Kay die Suche nach Barb vielleicht vor allem näher zu sich selbst. (mk)
Kourtney Roy
is an independent photographer and filmmaker. Her studies in photography at Emily Carr University of Art and Design in Vancouver and later at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris inspired her to develop her self-described “finicky” aesthetic, which lends itself particularly well to both glossy paper and film. Kourtney’s work has been exhibited widely across the globe, and she has also released several publications about her work. Having made award-winning short films like the experimental Morning, Vegas and Slice of Heaven, she recently completed her time-looping creature-feature Kryptic, which premiered at the 2024 SXSW.
is an independent photographer and filmmaker. Her studies in photography at Emily Carr University of Art and Design in Vancouver and later at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris inspired her to develop her self-described “finicky” aesthetic, which lends itself particularly well to both glossy paper and film. Kourtney’s work has been exhibited widely across the globe, and she has also released several publications about her work. Having made award-winning short films like the experimental Morning, Vegas and Slice of Heaven, she recently completed her time-looping creature-feature Kryptic, which premiered at the 2024 SXSW.