Cannibal Holocaust
Cannibal Holocaust | Ruggero Deodato | IT 1980 | 96 Min
Metro Historisch

Photo credit: © F.D. Cinematografica
Im Amazonas entdeckt ein Anthropologe die Leichen einer verschollenen Dokumentarfilm-Crew. Deren gedrehtes Material, aus dem der Großteil von Cannibal Holocaust besteht, erzählt von Hybris und Grausamkeit der sogenannten Zivilisierten, die sensationslüstern und respektlos in die ursprüngliche Naturlandschaft einfallen und schließlich von der dort lebenden Stammesgemeinschaft zerstört und vertilgt werden. Deodatos Skandalfilm ist so primitiv wie visionär, gleichzeitig Anklage von medialen Gewaltspektakeln und deren Apotheose und jedenfalls immer noch schwer verdaulicher Urknall des erst zwei Jahrzehnte später vollständig aufblühenden Found-Footage-Horrorfilms. (mk)
Ruggero Deodato
was a friend of SLASH and master of genre film. Beginning as an assistant for filmmakers such as Roberto Rossellini and Sergio Corbucci, in the late 1960s he began directing the most delicious exploitation fare. Movies like Jungle Holocaust, Cannibal Holocaust, Cut and Run and The House at the Edge of the Park, are the stuff of legend. After a long break, he returned to cinema in the 2010s, directing segments of the anthologies The Profane Exhibit (SLASH 2022) and Deathcember (SLASH X-MAS 2019) plus the daring shocker Ballad in Blood. Signore Deodato presented the latter at SLASH 2016, where he also gave a masterclass.
was a friend of SLASH and master of genre film. Beginning as an assistant for filmmakers such as Roberto Rossellini and Sergio Corbucci, in the late 1960s he began directing the most delicious exploitation fare. Movies like Jungle Holocaust, Cannibal Holocaust, Cut and Run and The House at the Edge of the Park, are the stuff of legend. After a long break, he returned to cinema in the 2010s, directing segments of the anthologies The Profane Exhibit (SLASH 2022) and Deathcember (SLASH X-MAS 2019) plus the daring shocker Ballad in Blood. Signore Deodato presented the latter at SLASH 2016, where he also gave a masterclass.
Metro Historisch