Bookworm | Ant Timpson | NZ 2024 | 103 Min

Ein explodierender Toaster lässt die Mutter der elfjährigen Mildred ins Koma fallen. Damit das aufgeweckte Mädchen, ein wahrer Bücherwurm, nicht alleine ist, reist ihr US-Vater, den sie noch nie gesehen hat, zu ihr nach Neuseeland. Der langhaarige, mäßig talentierte Illusionist reibt sich an der Siebenschläue der belesenen Rationalistin. Gemeinsam gehen sie auf die Suche nach einem sagenumwobenen Panther, der in den angrenzenden Wäldern hausen soll. Ant Timpson inszeniert eine herzallerliebste, bisweilen auch ziemlich narrische Abenteuerkomödie, bei der die Großkatze bald in den Hintergrund tritt und Platz macht für eine flotte Selbstfindungsreise. (mk)
Ant Timpson
was just 17 years old when he already created mini film-festivals. After “bombing” out of law school, he began crewing on feature films. Since then, he has worked in all facets of the film industry. Ant is the founder of multiple events and had his own section in New Zealand’s International Film Festival. He also maintains the southern hemisphere’s largest personal film-archive. Together with Tim League of Alamo Drafthouse, he was the mastermind behind the horror anthology The ABCs of Death (2012) and its sequel (SLASH 2014). His own directorial debut was the humorous mystery thriller Come to Daddy (SLASH 2019), which starred Elijah Wood—who would return five years later to play the lead in Ant’s sophomore feature, Bookworm.
was just 17 years old when he already created mini film-festivals. After “bombing” out of law school, he began crewing on feature films. Since then, he has worked in all facets of the film industry. Ant is the founder of multiple events and had his own section in New Zealand’s International Film Festival. He also maintains the southern hemisphere’s largest personal film-archive. Together with Tim League of Alamo Drafthouse, he was the mastermind behind the horror anthology The ABCs of Death (2012) and its sequel (SLASH 2014). His own directorial debut was the humorous mystery thriller Come to Daddy (SLASH 2019), which starred Elijah Wood—who would return five years later to play the lead in Ant’s sophomore feature, Bookworm.