Infinite Summer

Infinite Summer | Miguel Llansó | EE 2024 | 90 Min | DCP
Scaredy Cat Competition
Metro Historisch

It’s Mia, Grete and Sarah’s last summer together; the perfect opportunity to party and hang around on dating apps—which is how they come across Dr. Mindfulness, a meditation coach. To optimize their “positive vibes”, he presents them with a strange apparatus that seems to be capable of a whole lot more besides… Five years after his wonderfully twisted Jesus Shows You the Way to the Highway (SLASH 2019), Miguel Llansó is back with a transhumanist coming-of-age fairytale. Seems like Infinite Summer was Llansó’s attempt to prove to his wife that he can also make ‘normal’ movies—luckily, that mission has failed completely! (am)

Miguel Llansó
was born in Spain and is a big fan of punk and experimental film. He studied philosophy and film theory before setting out for adventures in the vein of Jean Rouch and Werner Herzog. He shot many of his films in the country he calls his second home, Ethiopia. His feature-length debut was the post-apocalyptic Afro-futuristic adventure Crumbs (2015) which was shown at more than 100 film festivals worldwide. His sophomore film, Jesus Shows You the Way to the Highway (SLASH 2019) premiered at the Fantasia Film Festival in Montréal, as did his most recent film, the transhumanist mystery movie Infinite Summer.
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Language Version eOV
Cast Teele Kaljuvee-O'Brock, Johanna Rosin, Ciaron Davies
Writer Miguel Llansó
Editing Velasco Broca
Cinematography Israel Seoane


Metro Historisch