Hell House LLC

Hell House LLC | Stephen Cognetti | US 2015 | 93 Min | DCP
Night of the 1000 knives

Part of Night of the 1000 pumpkins

“Hell House” is planned to be the latest horror attraction in the small town of Abaddon, New York. But on its Halloween opening night, the haunted-house tour becomes a bloody fiasco that mysteriously claims the lives of several guests. Video recordings by the five haunted-house creators are examined to help in the efforts to find out more about what happened. What Stephen Cognetti delivers in Hell House LLC. is a perfect example of the found-footage genre that knows exactly how to push the right buttons with its shaky images, genuinely creepy moments and an ever increasing air of danger. (am)

Stephen Cognetti
is a filmmaker born in Scranton, Pennsylvania. After making a number of shorts which were in part a critique of contemporary America, such as Bernie Waldoff Investment Securities IOU Capital and Thomas Jefferson Lives, Stephen wrote and directed Hell House LLC (2015), the beginning of a saga which to date has spun three more installments.
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Language Version eOV
Cast Ryan Jennifer Jones, Gore Abrams, Alice Bahlke, Danny Bellini
Writer Stephen Cognetti
Cinematography Brian C. Harnick


Night of the 1000 pumpkins