Celluloid Nightmares
Muzan-e: AV gyaru satsujin bideo wa sonzai shita! | Daisuke Yamanouchi | JP 1999 | 65 Min
Metro Historisch
Double Feature with Psychic Vision: Jaganrei
Double Feature with Psychic Vision: Jaganrei

Shown together with Psychic Vision: Jaganrei
A porn actress vanishes, and, with a snuff video of her murder allegedly circulating, a feisty journalist looks into the bizarre case. The movie’s original title refers to muzan-e, Japanese 19th century woodblock prints with extreme forms of depictions of violence that are also regarded as the precursors of ero guro artworks. Which determines the general direction of this creatively volatile genre-hybrid: Celluloid Nightmares, besides its drastic moments of violence, also goes on a deep dive into the world of Japanese fetish porn. (mk)
Daisuke Yamanouchi
is a Japanese director of dozens of movies who has worked in mainstream film, pink eiga, V-cinema, and adult video. Nicknamed “Mr. Chinko Porno” and dubbed a “J-sploitation auteur”, his found-footage horror film Celluloid Nightmares hails from the 1998 to 2000 phase of his work when he wrote and directed several V-cinema (Japanese straight-to-video) productions which usually involved horror and gore.
is a Japanese director of dozens of movies who has worked in mainstream film, pink eiga, V-cinema, and adult video. Nicknamed “Mr. Chinko Porno” and dubbed a “J-sploitation auteur”, his found-footage horror film Celluloid Nightmares hails from the 1998 to 2000 phase of his work when he wrote and directed several V-cinema (Japanese straight-to-video) productions which usually involved horror and gore.
Metro Historisch
Double Feature with Psychic Vision: Jaganrei
Double Feature with Psychic Vision: Jaganrei
Presented by